San Rocco all'Augusteo

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Left side chapels/altars

Altar of St Nicholas of Bari
6a483957 6b567456

Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes
7c346574 7d584321 7f890765 7b473521 7e546876 7a473623

Chapel of the Nativity
8i657654 8g576487 8j768432 8h542134 8a678543
8b680986 8c654879 8e546789 8d543876 8f790765

Chapel of St Anthony of Padua
9g675643 9a354789 9b798054 9c657098
9h780634 9d590765 9e546765 9f678098

Chapel of St Martin
10d78765 10c65754 10b65789 10a34576 10f65487

11a48376 11d56784 11c53467 11b54678

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