Sant'Agnese in Agone

(Click on any photo to see a larger version)

Chapels and Altars

Altar of St Eustace
4c746852 4a648257 4b524684

Chapel of St Sebastian
5a246387 5b471285 5d468257

Chapel of St Francesca Romana
15c85741 15d98723 15b15436 15a89647 15g58627 15e75315

Chapel of St Philip Neri
12f78453 12d45876 12b75648 12e25897 12v58246 12a56321

Altar of St Cecilia
PICT2069 6c357951 6a465287 6b798521

Altar of St Emerentiana
8d465821 8c739146 8b731928 8a654852

Chapel of St Agnes
9c971358 9d521478 9a654258 9b731946

Borromini Sacristy
11a56428 Sacristy vault

Altar of St Alexis
10b45698 10a58245 10c53791

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