Santi Quattro Coronati

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Calendar Room
7e456543 7a456543 7b657456 7c543987 7d231789

Chapel of St. Silvester
6a456789 6d879567 6e689345 6c107092

The chapel is famous for its fresco cycle painted around 1246, the year it was consecrated as the private chapel of the Cardinal's Palace. This cycle is political propaganda (in the secular sense), and depicts the unhistorical legend of Pope Sylvester I and Emperor Constantine I, including the fictional baptism of the emperor by the pope and (importantly) a depiction of the Donation of Constantine which was based on a forged mediaeval document. The work was painted in the context of the confrontation between Pope Innocent IV and the newly excommunicated Holy Roman emperor Frederick II, and was intended to illustrate the alleged sovereignty of the Church (Pope Sylvester) over the Empire (Constantine).

6g107928 6k904562 6j879543 6h678456 6f141401
6r564738 6s798456 6n905634 6m454376 6t864368 6q790436
6v576986 6w478567 6x794563 6y956723
6ab78934 6u675894 6aa34876 6ac68945 6z769843

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