San Pietro in Montorio

(Click on any photo to see a larger version)

Left side chapels

Chapel of the Stigmata
2c354686 2d235476 2a456865 2b856324

Cappella Raimondi
3a293847 3e690453 3d948576 3f453769 3g563896 3c587906

Chapel of St Anne
4d564387 4b567459 4f658767 4a596873 4c387465 4e865753

Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows
5j678904 5h323476 5b487903 5k544332 5g547698
5e789354 5f262745 5a398465 5c958672 5d987345

Chapel of St John the Baptist
6a263541 6g345678 6b978456 6c354907 6e807456 6d473625

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