San Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio

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Details of the left aisle chapels and monuments

LAc89054 LAa46532 LAb46578

Chapel of the Altare Pasquale
6a245985 6d457136 6f458763 6c456852 6e149837 6b546983

Monument to Cardinal Bragadin
7a854627 7b548972

Chapel of St Gregory Barbarigo
8a458793 DSC_1285 8b458617

9b147963 9c468219 9a456987

Chapel of St Dominic
10b59863 10a45789 10c587641 10d364578

Monument to Cardinal Luigi Priuli
11e35467 11a47654 11b32094 11f78051 11d46895 11c58903

Chapel of St Michael the Archangel
12a48576"" 12d45786 12f54675 12b56489 12e45793 12c58043

Monument to Pietro Basadonna
13a56456 13g58796 13c54367 13d65786 13b90876 13h47823 13j89012

Side Entrance

Monument to Paolo Capranica

Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
16c65897 16a52369 16b74158

17b65832 17e51326 17d25631 17a89652 17c87965