Santa Francesca Romana

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Right side chapels

Chapel of St Frances of Rome
DSC_4264 9b806723 DSC_4279 DSC_4280 DSC_4281
DSC_4288 DSC_4282 DSC_4284 DSC_4286 9a543786

Chapel of St Benedict
DSC_4266 DSC_4289 DSC_4290 DSC_4293 DSC_4292
DSC_4294 DSC_4295 DSC_4296 DSC_4297 DSC_4298

Side entrance vestibule
DSC_4267 DSC_4304 DSC_4305 DSC_4306 DSC_4307
DSC_4308 DSC_4309 DSC_4310 DSC_4311

Chapel of the Crucifixion
DSC_4268 DSC_4317 DSC_4319 DSC_4320 DSC_4321
DSC_4322 DSC_4323 DSC_4324 DSC_4325 DSC_4326

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