Santi Cosma e Damiano

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The entrance opens into a long corridor, formerly part of the Franciscan cloister built by Luigi Arrigucci. The cloister is a cool spot with simple architecture. The courtyard is paved in cobbles, with an X in irregular paving slabs meeting at a Baroque fountain embellished with sculptures of horses. The basin contains goldfish.
2b256378 2k475369 2h456935 2c864713 2d578912
2g458364 2e465821 2f458324 2a784596 2m458347

The entrance to the church is in the top left hand corner, and by this are wall frescoes in the cloister walk by Francesco Allegrini (first half of the 17th century). These depict Stories from the life of St. Francis of Assisi and other saints of the order.
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2p753159 2r482569 2s316849 2x482654

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