San Bartolomeo all'Isola

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Transept Chapels

Chapel of the Millers
DSC6795 DSC6806 DSC6810 DSC6812 5d132465
DSC6814 DSC6808 DSC6809 5b546734 5c567807
5f265376 5g864357 5a346578 DSC6816

Orsini chapel
DSC6843 DSC6844 6c598231 DSC6851 DSC6847 DSC6849
DSC6850 6d438765 DSC6852 DSC6855 6a456876
DSC6857 6Lc45387 6Lf23464 6Ld93847 6Lb24358 6La39875
DSC6861 6Rb90346 6Ra48723 DSC6859 6Rc85623 DSC6862

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